Oct 26, 2009








p/s:utk mklumat lanjut,sila tekan sini

Oct 25, 2009


Important Notice for CFS-IIUM Nilai students!

Written by Omar Sharif Ariffin
Wednesday, 21 October 2009

The starting date for Sem 2, 2009/2010 is now on the 27th October 2009, TUESDAY.

This is due to the Pertabalan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Mukhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir as the 11th Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, which falls on Monday, 26th October 2009.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 October 2009 )


Kesihatan muslimin dan muslimat

Beberapa tip kesihatan utk tatapan dan ikutan semua

Ia sejenis penyakit yg boleh dihindari jika kita tahu apa yg patut dimakan dan apa yg tidak. Makanan berkanji spr roti, nasi, pasta, kentang dan bijirin selain membekalkan tenaga, juga merupakan ubat semulajadi yg menggalakkan ketenangan.

Serat mempunyai nilai mengawal berat badan. Serat memberi perasaan 'cukup' tanpa perlu menambah kalori. Jadi, ia mengelakkan kita daripada terlebih makan. Para pengkaji juga berkata, serat mempengaruhi penghadaman dan penyerapan makanan . Asas untuk mengurangkan berat badan ialah dengan lebihkan makanan berserat dan kurangkan makanan berminyak dan berlemak.

Diet rendah lemak, tinggi serat juga mengurangkan risiko kanser usus, menghilangkan sakit sindrom radang usus dan merendahkan tahap kolestrol dlm badan. Kolestrol tinggi merupakan penyumbang kepada penyakit strok dan penyakit jantung.

Sayur-sayuran(brokoli, kubis,bunga kobis,kacang pis,jagung manis), buah-buahan (epal,aprikot,pisang, kiwi,pic), buah buahan kering (prun, kurma,aprikot), bertih jagung,kekacang dan bijian, oat, bawang, kentang, beras perang dan gandum.

Bawang putih telah lama diketahui khasiatnya bagi menyembuhkan penyakit semenjak zaman Babylon dan Mesir Kuno. Org Greek memberikan atlet mereka bawang putih sebagai perangsang dan di China teh bawang dipreskripsikan untuk demam dan jangkitan. Di India bawang putih digunakan sebagai antiseptik.

Untuk kesihatan mata, lobak merah memang cukup berkesan. tetapi tahukah anda ia juga amat baik untuk sistem pertahanan badan dan darah? Ia cuma mengandungi 23 kalori setiap 100gm!!!


How should a Muslimah treat her sisters in Islam?

1. She loves them for the sake of Allah :

This is a love untainted by any worldly interests or ulterior motives. True sisterly love is a relationship whose purity is derived from the light of Islamic guidance (Dr. Muhammad A. al-Hashimi). It is a bond that links a Muslims to her sister regardless of geographical origins, ethnicity, skin color, hair form, eye shape, or language. (It is) a bond based upon faith in Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) Who is greater than all our little petty divisions. “The Believers are but a single brotherhood….” [Al-Hujuraat 49:10]

A love which is an expression of the sweetness of faith: “There are three things that whoever attains them will find the sweetness of faith: if Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)are dearer to him than anyone else; if he loves a person solely for the sake of Allah; if he would hate to return to kufr after Allah has rescued him from it, as much as he would hate be thrown into the Fire.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

So this is not love for the sake of status, notoriety, or fame. It is a love that requires a clean heart, a light heart, a soft and pliable heart.

In the hadeeth of Mu’adh reported by at-Tirmidhi, the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah said: ‘Those who love one another for My glory, will have minbars of light, and the Prophets and martyrs will wish that they had the same” [hasan saheeh hadeeth]

This kind of love is the only way to eliminate hatred, jealousy, and rivalry from peoples hearts.

2. She shows them kindness, faithfulness, and equity :
The importance of kindness is mentioned hundreds of times in the Qur'aan! Islam instills in its followers the characteristic of kindness and faithfulness towards one’s friends, including the parents of one’s friends. The seerah is filled with examples of kindness and faithfulness among the early believers. If you remember the story concerning our mother ‘Aaisha (radiallahu ‘anhaa) who used to become upset with Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) because he used to extend himself to the friends of his late first wife, Khadijah (radiallahu ‘anhaa). He (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) spoke highly of Khadijah (radiallahu ‘anhaa) and sometimes he would slaughter a sheep and send a large portion to Khadijah’s friends.

3. She meets them with a warm, friendly, smiling face :
In Muslim it is reported our beloved Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “Do not think little of any good deed, even if it is just greeting your brother with a cheerful countenance.”

The act of smiling actually stimulates the secretion of certain chemicals (endorphins) that increase our sense of well-being.

“Your smiling at your brother is an act of charity (sadaqah)” [reported by at-Tirmidhi who said it is hasan gharib)

4. She is sincere towards them
Sincerity is one of the most basic principles of Islam and a central foundation of the faith. Without sincerity, a sister’s faith is invalid and her Islam is worthless. When the first believers gave allegiance (bay’ah) to the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), they pledged their sincerity. This is confirmed by the statement of Jarir ibn ‘Abdullah (radiallahu ‘anhu): “I gave allegiance to the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and pledged to observe regular prayer, to pay zakat and to be sincere towards every Muslim.” [Agreed upon]

Furthermore, our beloved Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “None of you truly believes until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself” [Agreed upon] It is impossible to do this without sincerity.

5. She does not forsake or abandon her sister(s) :
The religion that calls for love, continued contact, and mutual affection is also the religion (Islam) that has forbidden sisters in faith to hate or abandon one another. It is reported by al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad: “No two people who love one another for the sake of Allah, or for the sake of Islam, will let the first minor offense of either of them come between them.”

This hadith and others tell us that prolonged estrangement from our sister is not acceptable. The longer the estrangement lasts (3 days or more) the greater the sin and the more severe is the punishment that will befall the two who are split by the dispute. Reconciliation among sisters-in-Islam is encouraged and the better of the two (disputing) Muslimahs is the first to give salaam. The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “There should be no breaking off of ties, no turning away from one another, no hating one another, and no envying one another. Be brothers, as Allah has commanded you.” [Muslim]

The great Sahabi Abu Darda (radiallahu 'anhu) used to say: “Shall I not tell you about something that is better for you than charity and fasting? Reconcile between your brothers, for hatred diminishes reward.” (reported by al-Bukhari in Ad-Adab al-Mufrad)

6. She is tolerant and forgiving towards them :
Sometimes it seems so easy to become angry with our sisters in Islam about just about anything. However, the true Muslim restrains her anger and is quick to forgive her sister, and does not see any shame in doing so. Rather, she recognizes this as a good dead that can bring her closer to Allah and earn her His love which He bestows only on those who do good:

“…[those] who restrain anger and pardon (all) men – for Allah loves those who do good.” [Al-‘Imran 3:134]

7. She does not gossip about or backbite them :
The believing woman does not gossip about or backbite her sisters in Islam. She knows that gossip is haraam as the Qur’an says:

“…. Nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would abhor it. But fear Allah: for Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.” [al-Hujuraat 49:12]

The believing woman restrains her tongue and speaks only good of her sister, remembering the words of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam): “Do you know what gossip is? They said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said, ‘It is your saying about your brother something which he dislikes.” He was asked, ‘What do you think if what I say about my brother is true?’ He said, ‘If it is true then you have gossiped about him and if it not true then you have slandered him.” [Muslim]

Being two-faced is an aspect of this. In fact the two-faced person is regarded as being one of the worst people in the sight of Allah. Our beloved Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “You will find among the worst people in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection, the one who is two-faced, who approaches some people in one way and others in another.” [al-Bukhari & Muslim]

8. She avoids arguing with them, making hurtful jokes, and breaking promises :
It is reported by al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad that our Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “Do not argue with your brother, do not joke excessively with him, do not make a promise to him then break it.”

Arguing leads to further misunderstanding, rigidity, and is an easy opening for Iblis (Shaitan); hurtful jokes often lead to hatred and loss of respect; and breaking promises upset people and destroys love. We need to learn to be able to “back off” to not have the final say, to sometimes just “agree to disagree” until the matter can be resolved by someone with more knowledge. The kind of posturing and gesticulation that poisons so many disagreements is leftover jahl (ignorance). We need to run away from this.

9. She is generous and self-sacrificing :
The Muslimah prefers friendship with a Muslim over the non-Muslim. The bond of common belief forms the foundation for generosity, a basic Islamic characteristic. We are entreated by Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’aalaa) to be

“… lowly [or humble] with the believers, mighty against the kafirun …” [al-Maidah 5:54]

10. She prays for her sisters in their absence :
The sincere Muslimah who truly likes for her sister what she likes for herself does not forget to pray for her sister in her absence. This is a practical demonstration of sisterly love and care. A sincere, pure prayer of this kind is the kind most quickly answered. It is reported by al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad that “The quickest prayer to be answered is a man’s supplication for his brother in his absence.”

11. She encourages her sisters in all that is pleasing to Allah

Article by : Sister Fatimah L.C. Jackson
Taken from : Alharamin.org Newsletter

Oct 11, 2009

kita buat apa yang patut remaja muslim lakukan

MASA senggang bermaksud masa lapang dan masa luang bagi remaja yang memerlukan cara bagi menggunakannya. Masa senggang biasanya ada pada hujung minggu atau waktu cuti atau masa-masa tertentu yang lain. Masa senggang selalu menyebabkan remaja hilang fokus dan menyebabkan salah guna masa berlaku. Masa senggang kalau digunakan dengan baik amat bermanfaat dalam menimba ilmu pengetahuan menerusi ulang kaji, mendapat maklumat baru menerusi pembacaan, perbincangan, melayari internet dan juga menonton.

salam sahabat-sahabat sekalian..
Flower Pictures, Images and Photos
best yer cuti..boleh release tension final aritu..-syera
macam mana cuti semester kali ni? dah ada plan apa-apa ke supaya masa kita sentiasa bermanfaat?? orang kata masa itu emas..dan masa muda macam kita sekarang ni sangat-sangatlah berharga. jadi marilah kita hiasi masa-masa kita dengan perkara-perkara yang bermanfaat dan berfaedah=)

Dalam al-Quran terdapat sebuah surah yang membicarakan tentang masa. Allah berfirman,
Demi Masa. Manusia itu sentiasa dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh. Dan orang-orang yang sentiasa berpesan untuk kebenaran dan juga dengan kesabaran. (Al-Asr: 1-3)

sedikit ulasan dari blog dr sidek baba..

waktu remaja ni, kita dapati masa senggang kita banyak..itu yang menyebabkan kadang-kadang kita tak dapat membuat perancangan yang tertentu. jadual waktu amat penting. Walaupun ia tidak semestinya rigid atau ketat tetapi merancang apa yang patut dibuat dan mengisi masa senggang adalah amat perlu.
jika tidak, pembaziran masa akan terjadi. inilah yang menyebabkan kita kadang-kadang hilang keutamaan dan hilang fokus. Bila keadaan begini berlaku pengurusan masa sudah menjadi bercelaru. Keadaan seperti ini amat merugikan bakat dan usia kita.

jadi, apa yang perlu kita lakukan?

kita boleh mengambil semangat surah Al-Asr iaitu beriman dan beramal soleh. Asas ini penting supaya masa senggang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk hal-hal yang berfaedah dan amat berguna untuk mengembangkan bakat dan minat kita semua. Maksud surah Al-Asr ialah mengingatkan kita tentang kepentingan masa dalam kaitannya dengan amal soleh yang kita lakukan dalam hidup ini. Mengisi masa senggang secara langsung dan tidak langsung boleh dikaitkan dengan amal soleh. Berhubung dengan kawan-kawan menerusi telefon, internet, khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS), e-mel berbicara mengenai ilmu dan fikir adalah amal soleh. Melakukan riadah dan kegiatan rekreasi untuk kesihatan badan adalah juga amal soleh. Mendengar lagu-lagu yang menimbulkan kesedaran di samping hiburan dengan lirik-lirik yang merangsang kebaikan adalah amal soleh. Membaca akhbar, majalah, buku dan menonton bahan-bahan yang tidak melalaikan adalah juga amal soleh. Menolong ibu bapa dan jiran untuk kebaikan dan kebajikan juga amal soleh. Malah apa saja kegiatan masa senggang yang Allah reda, semuanya boleh menjadi amal soleh dengan izin-Nya.

Remaja yang beriman adalah remaja yang memiliki ihsan yang tinggi. Ihsan yang tinggi meletakkan kita sentiasa dalam taqwa. kita akan melakukan sesuatu kebaikan dengan ikhlas tanpa niat untuk berbangga kerana kita tahu seluruh hidup ini adalah ibadah dan apa saja yang dilakukan baik di masa senggang atau tidak, ia dikaitkan sebagai ibadah. Bagi remaja Islam yang beriman, setiap saat yang berlalu memberi makna yang besar. Setiap jam yang berjalan ada benda-benda yang bermanfaat dilakukan. Setiap hari, minggu dan bulan yang beredar para remaja mencapai kejayaan diri dan peribadi keluarga dan akhirnya kejayaan untuk masyarakat dan negara.

Masa senggang yang ditempuhi tidak berlalu dengan sia-sia. Ia diisi dengan hal-hal yang bermanfaat hatta tidur pun boleh menjadi ibadah sekiranya tidur itu boleh memberi kerehatan dan akhirnya kekuatan untuk bekerja dan berusaha dengan lebih kuat. Masa senggang yang dirancang dan dijadual dengan baik boleh dijadikan sebagai sumber mengatur hidup.
Orang yang berjaya dalam hidupnya adalah orang yang mendisiplinkan dirinya dengan masa.
Mereka adalah orang-orang yang menepati masa , tidak membazir masa, tahu menggunakan masa dengan bijaksana, cemburu terhadap masa dan menghubungkan masa sebagai usaha meningkatkan amal dan ibadah.


Oct 10, 2009

what type of people are we??

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious & The Most Merciful
NJ maniac*
Editor: lailatulema

All Praise be to the one who Created us;
There are some who make His existence a fuss;
Those who disbelieve in Him,
they are in Loss;

In this life we have a test;
The question: whose fear of Allah is the best?
To worship him is our quest.

Time and Time again we are faced with situations;
In which we must make tough decisions;
Fools are we, we think we're so smart;
shaytan attacks us with many ideas like darts;
According to him, we plan and chart;
Not knowing that he is poisoning our hearts;
The time comes when we realize the mistake in our Parts;
One last chance!,
for some the tauba starts;

Even still,some don't ask of His Forgiveness;
They don't realize that they're in a big mess;
Never do they ask of Allah's Mercy;
They have eyes, but can they really see?;

There are also the righteous however;
Forget to ask Allah?, NEVER!;
They ask Allah in every endeavor;
To help them as part of His Favor;

Then, even if they are affected by Shaytans call;
They are not hurt by the hard fall;
They quickly get back up, standing tall;
Racing to gain forgiveness from The Merciful;
Allah promised to answer the caller's call;

Take a lesson from the fitra of the child;
With the lesson of walking they are trialed;
Yes, they do fall, but they are not beguiled;
They get back up and take a step;
Maybe again they accidentally trip;
But they stand up again and get a grip;

More and more steps take place;
Before you realize it, they are walking with so much grace;
An example for us, as we grow in our age and Deen;
Like the baby, hard challenges we have seen;
As the baby walks with so much grace;
We should also pick up our pace;

We are travelers, there is no question;
To Allah is our ultimate destination!
May the Prayers and blessings of Allah be on His beloved;
and on the companions who prayed and strived;
That the Deen of Allah might be carried on to those who came later;
On high thrones will they be raised in the hereafter.